Modern Family Rulz Building Relationships That Rock
Scot Ferrell, Building Relationships That Rock
Time...Is It On Our Side? Podcast #8 time management, time value, running out of time, vision, direction, family, children, parenting
Scot Ferrell
May 01 2011
Scot Ferrell, Behavior Expert and heavy metal rock and roll fan, wants you to create relationships that rock! A 20 year veteran of working with all types of families and children, Scot knows how to speak directly, with no sugar-coating, so that your family can cut to the chase and get the results you've been looking for that you haven't found anywhere else.
Scot discusses how important time is to your family's vision, and in the family and individual accomplishments. He gives unexpected and practical tips regarding the use of time and how it can strengthen and build your family's vision.
Scot Ferrell, family man and “America’s Behavior Expert,” has spent countless years working with couples and families, helping them change their thoughts behaviors, actions, and feelings, to produce the results that they wanted - happier, more fulfilling lives and relationships!
Scot is a nationally recognized inspirational Best-Selling author, speaker, mentor, as well as radio show host and television guest, teaching people how to overcome life’s obstacles and achieve their dreams. He provides clients with the tools and a process to create spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional health. His process teaches clients how to overcome the behavioral barriers that have hampered their lives and destroyed their dreams.
Not only has Scot been a relationship and family coach for years with his private clients, but because of his unique scientific background, he is the ONLY relationship and true life & love coach that brings a unique scientific, results-oriented process to determine, identify and realize your life’s dreams.
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